Share Your Voice

Advocacy means shining a light on the issues that affect DeKalb County and lending our voice to ensure opportunities for children and families to thrive. We work with United Way Worldwide and Indiana United Ways to create a unified voice on specific policy issues.

Join the Fight

United Way of DeKalb County fights for access to affordable and quality early childhood education for our DeKalb County families.

The problem: More than 1,600 child care programs closed in Indiana because of the COVID-19 crisis. Over half closed nationwide. Many of those that remain open to serve essential workers are operating at 20-40% capacity. We have also learned that Indiana stands to lose about 84,000 licensed child care slots if it does not pass and half our existing licensed child cares close. The $50 billion is enough to sustain struggling U.S. child care programs for a little over five months. The $7 billion that is in the current Heroes Act legislation would only help child cares across the country last another few weeks.  

On My Way Pre-K - earlyedconnect.fssa.in.gov

Advocacy & Provider Information - https://www.childcareaware.org/

Journal Gazette News Article - "Avoiding the coming child care collapse"

How can you get involved?

It’s easier than you think. You can start by signing up for our action alerts. Calling, emailing, or even tweeting your representative can help us spread the word about the changes our community needs. We provide a nonpartisan platform for people to take meaningful action that makes a difference.

The call for action is NOW!